First of its kind

CREDBAL- India’s first operational credit Information provider- established to serve the credit information required by various Indian /global business/es

Revolutionary Digital Platform

CREDBAL is a revolutionary digital plat form, started with the mission of making it easier for entrepreneurs to monitor & Maintain the credit Health of business.

Easy collection money from your credit Customers

Our Soul and Sole Aim is to Lead the way for Indian/ global business towards “Bad debts less Economy”.

Protection of your hard earned money

CREDBAL Helps the business people to access the credibility and Repayment Nature of their “Credit Customers “ Through the ‘CREDBAL SCORE”

Reasons for Introduction of CREDBAL


  • India is the fastest growing Economy in the world, post Covid-19.
  • Most Business Transactions are Carried out based on a predetermined periodical credit system (i.,e.,60 days or 90 days )
  • Likewise , Many people get and loan from others without any collateral, by word of mouth.
  • Nowadays, people mindset towards Repayment of money on their credit purchase have been drastically Changed. Once they receive goods /Services from their supplier, they tend not to repay their due on time.
  • To the extent, some people often change their suppliers, when they are demanded by suppliers for the payment. So that, many suppliers had been put to loss.

There was a time, where banks were struggling with the same problem, which in turn, lead to the formation of “CIBIL” System where banks started using CIBIL Score and saved themselves from inadequate persons; which straight away laid path for more collections of old bad debts and prevention of new bad debts to certain level. So, It is the need of the hour, that an open platform to disclose the credibility of the business entities /individuals, to create caution in the minds of the people about their credit customer, before making a credit transaction with them. All of the above needs ,combined, lead to the development and constitution of an new age platform ”CREDBAL”, which will direct us towards “Bad debts less economy”.

What Credbal does


CREDBAL Integrates the information and data provided by sellers and buyer and provide. it in the required pattern and configuration to the information seekers.

From the Collected Information, CREDBAL assigns a score to each registered person’s, So as to identify the credibility and trust worthiness based on their repayment nature of credit purchase and loans (others than Banks loans)

Benefits for the Users


Having said about the need for new age digital platform, here are the list of benefits for users of CREDBAL.


  • Before supplying the goods /services know about the buyers.
    • Financial stability
    • Repayment Nature
    • Payment default by the concerned buyer.
    • Before supplying the goods /services know about the buyers.


  • Even during the time of wedding, bridge /groom may come to know about others financial stability.
  • CREDBAL PLATFORM Can be also used during purchase of immovable/ movable properties like land and car, etc., if it to be were on credit.


Our vision is to bring back the Golden ERA of trust among people in Money Transactions.


Our Mission is to serve the Nation by channelizing the fund flow of money in the right direction


Earn Trust, Earn Trust & Earn Trust